
Abstract Computational modeling is the use of mathematics and computer science to study the behavior of complex systems by computer simulation. A computational model contains various variables that characterize the system being studied. Simulation is done by adjusting these variables and observing how the changes affect the outcomes predicted by the model. Here, a model has been developed to study complex calcium dynamics in cylindrical shaped fibroblast cell involving three important physiological parameters i.e. EBA (Excess Buffer Approximation) ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum) flux and SERCA (Sacroplasmiel Endoplasmic Reticulum ATPs) pump. The model has been developed for two dimensional unsteady state case along with appropriate initial and boundary conditions according to the physiology of the cell. Finite element technique has been employed to obtain the solution. The cytosol of the fibroblast cell is divided in to 88 elements. A computer programme has been developed in MATLAB 7.10 for the entire problem and the numerical results have been used to study the effect of buffers, ER Flux and source amplitude on calcium distribution in fibroblast cell. This model can be used to study the complex mechanisms of wound repair and tissue remodeling performed by the fibroblast cell.

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