
Media plays a vital role in disseminating any crucial information to the society. This helps the unaware population of the society to gain awareness regarding a particular information. But many times it is seen that, even though an information is being transmitted through the print or electronic media for a very long period of time, many youngsters although aware about the negative aspects of the information, act as unaware and sometimes face a fatal result as in the case of the Blue Whale Game. In this paper, we have proposed a mathematical model depicting the effect of transmitting an information by media, particularly “Blue Whale Game”. We have concluded with the help of some simple calculations and figures, that because of the prolonged repeated transmission by the media regarding the blue whale game, curiousness got generated among the young generation and they tried to know more and more about the game, which in turn made them follow the game as designed by the game developer and in many cases turned out to be lethal.

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