
: The goal of the research is to know the mix-farming paddy-cow model, the difference of productivity before and after usage  bioslurry,  the difference of cost of production , the difference of farmer’s income and income of livestock business. Method was used by survey census method to 21 respondent as unit of analysis. The hypothesis was verified by the t test paired. Result of the research showed the aplication of livestock (cow) technology on mix-farming cow-paddy model has performance 62,97 %, criteria good, the aplication of Paddy farming technology has performance 70, 88 % criteria good. Utilization of biogas and bioslurry has performance 76,50 % criteria good. Then the productivity has different before and after aplication of bioslurry, where’s the produktivity before 52 ku/ha and after 63 ku/ha. There was no difference on cost of production before and after aplication of bioslurry where’s before Rp 10.356.067,-/ha and after Rp 11.229.465,-/ha. Then the farm income has not different before and after aplication of bioslurry, where’s before Rp 10.714.355,-/ha with R/C =2,03 and after Rp 12.443.775,-/ha with R/C =2,11. Income of livestock business (cow) has not profitable shown by R/C = 080. Income of mix-farming paddy-cow model has not profitable shown by R/C = 0,55, with in 1 year.

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