
This paper reports on model studies on energy dissipatorswhich were performed with a view towards developing a shorterand more efficient type of stilling basin for circular pipeoutlets at low Froude numbers. The stilling basin models weretested for two pipe outlet diameters. The outlet Froude numberfor testing ranged from 1.70 to 5.50. The studies reported inthis paper expand on the improvement suggested by Goel andVerma (1999). In all, 133 test runs were made on 19 newmodels. Various configurations of stilling basin models withdifferent sizes, shapes and locations of appurtenances andbasin lengths were tested. The use of a wedge-shaped splitterblock, an impact wall, and the use of wedge-shaped blocks asbaffle blocks resulted in efficient energy dissipation inshorter lengths of stilling basin. A non-dimensional numbertermed as scour index has been used to compare theperformances of various stilling basin models. It was foundthat the length of stilling basin could be reducedconsiderably without affecting the performance by choosing asuitable configuration of the stilling basin. Of theconfigurations tested, the stilling basin model M-24 with tworows of wedge-shaped baffle blocks in a basin length of sixtimes the diameter of pipe outlet (6d) performed better incomparison to USBR impact type VI stilling basin.

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