
Ecologists frequently ask questions that are best addressed with a model comparison approach. Under this system, the merit of several models is considered without necessarily requiring that (1) models are nested, (2) one of the models is true, and (3) only current data be used. This is in marked contrast to the pragmatic blend of Neyman-Pearson and Fisherian significance testing conventionally emphasized in biometric texts (Christensen 2005), in which (1) just two hypotheses are under consideration, representing a pairwise comparison of models, (2) one of the models, H0, is assumed to be true, and (3) a single data set is used to quantify evidence concerning H0. As Murtaugh (2014) noted, null hypothesis testing can be extended to certain highly structured multi-model situations (nested with a clear sequence of tests), such as extra sums of squares approaches in general linear models, and drop in deviance tests in generalized linear models. This is especially true when there is the expectation that higher order interactions are not significant or nonexistent, and the testing of main effects does not depend on the order of the tests (as with completely balanced designs). There are, however, three scientific frameworks that are poorly handled by traditional hypothesis testing. First, in questions requiring model comparison and selection, the null hypothesis testing paradigm becomes strained. Candidate models may be non-nested, a wide number of plausible models may exist, and all of the models may be approximations to reality. In this context, we are not assessing which model is correct (since none are correct), but which model has the best predictive accuracy, in particular, which model is expected to fit future observations well. Extensive ecological examples can be found in Johnson and Omland (2004), Burnham and Anderson (2002), and Anderson (2008). Second, the null hypothesis testing paradigm is often inadequate for making inferences concerning the falsification or confirmation of scientific claims because it does not explicitly consider prior information. Scientists often do not consider a single data set to be adequate for research hypothesis rejection (Quinn and Keough 2002:35), particularly for complex hypotheses with a low degree of falsifiability (i.e., Popper 1959:266). Similarly, the support of hypotheses in the generation of scientific theories requires repeated corroboration (Ayala et al. 2008). Third, ecologists and other scientists are frequently concerned with the plausibility of existing or default models, what statistician would consider null hypotheses (e.g., the ideal free distribution, classic insular biogeography, mathematic models for species interactions, archetypes for community succession and assembly, etc.). However, null hypothesis testing is structured in such a way that the null hypothesis cannot be directly supported by evidence. Introductory statistical and biometric textbooks go to great lengths to make this conceptual point (e.g., DeVeaux et al. 2013:511, 618, Moore 2010:376, Devore and Peck 1997:300–303).

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