
 The tourism industry is experiencing rapid development in Indonesia today. This is evident from the increasing number of tourism businesses established in almost all regions in Indonesia. This collection of tourism businesses is interrelated with each other in providing the needs of tourists to feel comfortable to live in that place. Tourism businesses include tourist attractions, tourism areas, tourism transportation services, travel services, food and beverage services, accommodation, organizing entertainment and recreational activities, SPA, etc. SPA has become one of the fastest growing tourism businesses today, because SPA is included in health tourism activities. Star hotels contribute to improving the operation of SPA tourism businesses through the provision of this business in business administration services at hotels. The ethics services of female SPA workers in star-rated hotels in the Traditional Village of Seminyak must be applied in the operational work of the hotel. With the existence of good service ethics, tourists who enjoy this service will feel satisfied so that it will not close the possibility of having a positive impact on other business sectors in the hotel.
 This research uses descriptive method, which is a method used to obtain an overview of the research objectives. To analyze tourists responses/perceptions of the ethics of female workers' services SPA used a Likert Scale, by distributing questionnaires to tourists who were made respondents.
 The results of the research model on the application of the ethics of female SPA service workers to star hotels in Seminyak Traditional Village consists of 3 stages, the first stage is the ethics of guest service before treatment in terms of tangible or physical aspects and reliability or reliability. The second stage is the ethics of guest service during treatment in terms of assurance or assurance and empathy or attention. The third stage is responsiveness or responsiveness.
 Keywords: Ethics, Services, Women Workers, SPA


  • The tourism industry is experiencing rapid development in Indon esia t o day

  • Th is is evident from the increasing number of tourism businesses establish ed in a lm ost a ll regio n s in Indonesia

  • Th e et hics services of female SPA workers in star-rated hotels in the Traditional Village of Seminyak must be applied in the operational work of thehotel

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Industri pariwisata mengalami perkembangan yang pesat di Indonesia saat ini. Ini terbukti dari makin meningkatnya jumlah usaha-usaha pariwisata yang didirikan di hampir seluruh wilayah di Indonesia. Penyelenggaraan usaha jasa SPA di hotel berbintang di Desa Adat Seminyak sangat ditentukan dari kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pekerja di usaha ini. Bekerja pada sektor usaha SPA pada hotel berbintang di Desa Adat Seminyak tentu saja memerlukan etika pelayanan yang baik. Etika pelayanan pekerja wanita SPA pada hotel berbintang di Desa Adat Seminyak harus diterapkan dalam operasional kerja di hotel tersebut. Dengan adanya etika pelayanan yang baik maka wisatawan yang menikmati jasa ini akan merasa puas sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan akan berdampak positif bagi sektor usaha lainnya yang ada di hotel tersebut. Maka dari itu patut kiranya untuk diketahui bagaimana model penerapan etika pelayanan yang sesuai bagi pekerja wanita SPA pada hotel berbintang di Desa Adat Seminyak agar wisatawan yang menggunakan jasa ini dapat merasa puas sehingga akan berkunjung untuk menggunakan jasa ini kembali. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah : “Bagaimanakah model penerapan etika pelayanan pekerja wanita SPA pada hotel berbintang di Desa Adat Seminyak?” Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui model penerapan etika pelayanan pekerja wanita SPA pada hotel berbintang di Desa Adat Seminyak

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