
Model Order Reduction (MOR) of complex and large systems in Electrical engineering, continuous to be an attractive field for Engineers and Scientists over the last few decades, this complexity of models makes the control designs and simulation using Computer Aided Design (CAD) more and more difficult and consuming a lot of time. There for, accurate, robust and fast algorithms for simulation are needed. The goal of MOR is to replace the original system by an appropriate reduced system which preserves the main properties of the original one such that stability and passivity. Several analytical MOR techniques have been proposed in the literature over the past few decades, to approximate high order linear dynamic systems like Krylov sub-space techniques and SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) techniques. However, most of these techniques lead to computationally demanding, time consuming, iterative procedures that usually result in non-robustly stable models with poor frequency response resemblance to the original high order model in some frequency ranges. Recently a set of new techniques based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) were proposed in [1] for MOR. This article considers the problem of model order reduction of Linear Time In varying (LTI) systems. It is described by first and second order ordinary differential equations model. A tow steps method for model order reduction of LTI systems is proposed here, which combined features of an analytic technique (Krylov approach) and an AI technique (Genetic Algorithm). In the first step, the size of the original model is reduced to an intermediate order, using an analytical technique based on Krylov sub-spaces. In the final step of the reduction process, an AI approach based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to obtain an optimized nominal model.

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