
Relevance of the study. The article analyzes the state of contemporary art culture with an emphasis on the modernization of special vocational education and the determination of the priority of a competent approach to the training of a competitive specialist. The concept of «vocal coach» is introduced. The conditions focused on updating the motivated direction of obtaining this profile in the context of continuity of the pianist-concertmaster’ training are revealed and substantiated. The content and methods of purposeful acquisition of immanent knowledge and skills of «vocal coach» are considered, which ensures the use of all resource possibilities of the learning process. The purpose of the article is to outline the algorithm of mastering the relevant knowledge and skills that are the basic concept of obtaining the specialty «vocal coach». Methodology. The methodology of system analysis was applied, which combined the following methods: analytical (thorough research of the process of preparing the musician of this profile in the scientific articles of world music literature on this specialty); comparative (for consideration of theoretical questions in order to determine the essence and structure of the specialty «vocal coach»); hermeneutical (in the interpretation of the concepts of the specialty «vocal coach» and a number of formulations that make it possible to differentiate the analysis of phenomena associated with this performative variety) and observational (observation and self-observation method) (own pedagogical analysis and experiment : analysis of the educational process in the classes of chamber classics (zespόł kameralny) of the music educational institutions of Poland (Wroclaw, Katowice, Częstochowa), the music department «Misgav High School» (Israel), the introduction of the masters of the Lviv Mykola Lysenko National Music Academy in the concertmaster class of the vocal coach course with the study of foreign languages (4 modules), the basics of vocal at the department of solo and chamber singing (due to pedagogical practice as a vocalist-beginner). Conclusions. The necessity of revising the directions of training for a pianist-concertmaster in Ukrainian high school musical institutions in the context of professional continuity of this musician has been stated. On the basis of the argumentation of the need to prepare vocal coach, an algorithm for acquiring the relevant knowledge and skills that are fundamental to this profile is determined. The concept of training vocal coach as a special course or a training course is offered. The introduction of the course is dictated by the urgent need to prepare a competitive specialist.

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