
The aim of this paper is to present a digital environment teaching model, based on critically observed problems in teaching the foreign language for specific purposes and the analysis of the educational potentials of digital technologies, in the context of the current strategies and legal solutions in the field of education in Serbia, which would advance and improve the teaching of the foreign language for specific purposes at the faculties of social sciences and humanities in Serbia. The subject of this research has been examined from both theoretical-conceptual and evaluation aspects. The theoretical and conceptual aspect is based on the scientific, theoretical and methodological connotation of teaching the foreign language for specific purposes and educational technology, as factors which are relevant to university teaching. The evaluation aspect refers to a critical analysis of digital technologies which can be efficiently and effectively used in creating a model for teaching a foreign language for specific purposes. The theoretical starting points of SAMR and TPACK models as well as the possibilities and challenges of using digital technology in teaching of the foreign language for specific purposes are considered. The conducted analysis shows that teachers have the opportunity to apply smart devices, Web applications and tools for preparing, implementing and evaluating teaching, but that they are not prepared to engage in the planning and construction of a digital teaching environment, since they have not been trained for this type of teaching during initial education.


  • The aim of this paper is to present a digital environment teaching model, based on critically observed problems in teaching the foreign language for specific purposes and the analysis of the educational potentials of digital technologies, in the context of the current strategies and legal solutions in the field of education in Serbia, which would advance and improve the teaching of the foreign language for specific purposes at the faculties of social sciences and humanities in Serbia

  • The theoretical starting points of SAMR and TPACK models as well as the possibilities and challenges of using digital technology in teaching of the foreign language for specific purposes are considered

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Модел дигиталног наставног окружења за страни језик струке

Један од најактуелнијих задатака савремене лингвистике и лингводидактике је изучавање страног језика струке (енг. language for specific purposes – LSP), који представља интегрални део образовања савремених стручњака и заједнички је именитељ свих образовних профила, без обзира на то којој научној области припадају. Ства, па тако и веб-алата, програма и мобилних апликација, не може заснивати само на слободним проценама корисника, без обзира на то да ли се ради о корисницима којима су апликације намењене (ученици, студенти) или професионалцима у области образовања (наставници страног језика). Наставник страног језика струке треба да поседује дигиталне компетенције како би увео студенте у правилну употребу наведених веб-алата, али и мобилних апликација, којих има све више и које се могу преузети на дигиталној платформи за андроид апликације Google Play. Студенти такође могу вршити дистрибуцију креираних садржаја путем QR кодова

Модел имплементације дигиталних технологија у настави страног језика струке
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