
N every town and city there is a reservoir of vocal music in existing choral organizations, and in the numerous individuals who have had training and musical experience in schools and colleges. The fact that in the great majority of instances it is largely or wholly neglected is a distinct challenge to everyone concerned with music education. Music is one of the great common denominators in.civic life, and those responsible for its furtherance should see to it that the latent forces and untapped sources of musical talent are utilized; that singing groups and individuals, old and young, who have in various fields developed an interest in singing, are mobilized and organized to sing some of the great masterpieces of choral literature. Three highly desirable objects are attained by such a procedure. First, those who participate never fail to continue to appreciate more keenly the finest of music, and find keen satisfaction and an emotional outlet in the making of music. Second, the production of a masterpiece by a great chorus of trained singers always produces a thrill in the lives of those in the audience, who in turn become more appreciative of music because it is produced by persons of their acquaintance. T h i r d, continued working in rehearsal on these master compositions simply for the joy of singing with others and producing great music, without thought of compensation, creates an atmosphere in the community that is of inestimable value.

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