
Mobile phones have become commonplace everyday objects in almost all societies regardless of their development stage. The presence of these devices has become a constant on any latitude, as shown by the penetration rate figures for 2018: 65.9%. These numbers, already surprising on their own, reach even higher values among young people. Thus, this paper studies the use of mobile phones, in particular smartphones, by young Portuguese and Brazilian university students. For this purpose, an app that registered all the uses made by the youngsters in their mobile devices, was employed. This methodology allows data collection in a daily context without the participants feeling controlled. A total of 317,938 interactions, registered in the participants devices, shows that the main use given to these devices is as a platform for access to social networks, followed by the sending of messages and the variable “second uses” of the device (watch, calendar, camera, calendar and calculator). Although this is a study in progress, at this stage it is safe to state that the data confirm previous studies (FORTUNATI; TAIPALE, 2014) in which smartphones assert themselves as a verbal written communication platform in opposition to their genesis based on orality.***Telefones celulares no cotidiano dos jovens: um estudo de caso com estudantes portugueses e brasileiros***Os telefones celulares se tornaram objetos comuns do dia-a-dia em quase todas as sociedades, independentemente do estágio de desenvolvimento. A presença desses dispositivos tornou-se constante em qualquer latitude, como mostra o índice de penetração em 2018: 65,9%. Esses números, já surpreendentes por si só, atingem valores ainda mais altos entre os jovens. Assim, este artigo estuda o uso de telefones celulares, em particular smartphones, por jovens estudantes universitários portugueses e brasileiros. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um aplicativo que registrava todos os usos feitos pelos jovens em seus dispositivos móveis. Essa metodologia permite a coleta de dados em um contexto diário sem que os participantes se sintam controlados. Um total de 317.938 interações, registradas nos dispositivos participantes, mostra que o principal uso dado a esses dispositivos é como plataforma de acesso às redes sociais, seguido pelo envio demensagens e pela variável “segundos usos” do dispositivo (observe, calendário, câmera, calendário e calculadora). Embora este seja um estudo em andamento, é possível afirmar que os dados confirmam estudos anteriores (FORTUNATI; TAIPALE, 2014) em que os smartphones se afirmam como uma plataforma de comunicação verbal escrita em oposição à sua gênese baseada na oralidade.Palavras-chave: Estudos de Mídia. Tecnologia móvel. Estudos de comunicação.


  • Throughout history, new technologies have always been a motor for social development, never before were they within the reach of the majority

  • It is anticipated that the emergence of more affordances and the response to new user’s needs will fuel the innovation process that will reinforce the role of mobile phones in society

  • The present study aims to understand how Portuguese and Brazilian university students use smartphones, taking as starting point the fact that these young people belong to an always-on generation (PELLANDA, 2005)

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Throughout history, new technologies have always been a motor for social development, never before were they within the reach of the majority. According to Ahn and Jung (2016), for digital natives, the dependence of the device has as its main causes (in order of importance) portability, games and convenience / usefulness of the device, the main symptoms (for them) being abdication of face-to-face interaction, interruption of study/ work, loss of time, and physical symptoms This self-criticism of the digital natives in relation to the excessive use of the cell phone conveys a lot about the singular and central role of these devices in the daily life of young people. For the young university students of this study, usually aged between 17 and 26 years old in the Brazilian and Portuguese context, mobile phones have been part of their universe since the beginning of their school life The relationship of this group with these devices is so strong that even new skills are required or even coveted. This research seeks precisely to verify what young people do with their smartphones

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