The market for mobile phones in Japan is the most advanced in the world, and handsets that can access the Internet have existed in Japan for more than a decade. The main disruptive invention that triggered this development was the emergence of the Internet and the ensuing digital revolution. In Japan, however, the diffusion of the Internet followed a specific pattern, different from its Western counterparts: Internet access from mobile devices such as cell phones became more common than accessing the Internet from conventional personal computers (PCs). Although Japan did not become the fastest adopter of the latest technologies until around the mid-1990s, it is now leading innovations in the mobile market. Japanese mobile phones, however, are more than a mere portable device that exchanges data.KeywordsMobile PhoneCell PhoneSocial Network SiteDigital ContentMobile BankingThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.
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