
A country study in the framework of a comparative analysis – in this case on issues of mobility and employability of Bachelor graduates in Italy in comparison to other European countries – runs the risk of misunderstandings if the characteristics of the individual countries are not sufficiently taken into account. Therefore, we must stress two stylized facts on the Italian setting.First, despite the strong inflow of immigrants in the last 25 years, the absolute number of nineteen-year-olds in Italy dropped by 38 per cent (for a more comprehensive analysis see Cammelli, di Francia & Guerriero, 1997). This brings about strong direct and indirect effects, both on the demand for higher education and the potential supply of graduates.KeywordsPhysical EducationHigh Education SystemMaster ProgrammeEducational ScienceEuropean High Education AreaThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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