
Töö eesmärk on leida, kuidas sõjaväelised juhid tajuvad erinevaid suhtlusviise muutuvates tingimustes ning kuidas nad saaksid sellistes situatsioonides paremini toime tulla. Kaasnev eesmärk on leida seoseid tunnetustegevuse (kognitsiooni) ja tajuprotsesside mehhanismide vahel sõjaväelistel juhtidel mitmeviisilistes suhtlussituatsioonides. Korpus on videolindistatud loomulikus õppe- ja õppuse protsessi olukorras kahe kaameraga. Andmeid analüüsitakse kvalitatiivse mikroanalüüsi (kommunikatsioonietnograafia) meetodiga kahetasandiliselt. Artikli teoreetiline osa tutvustab kehastunud simulatsiooni hüpoteesi ning kvalitatiivse analüüsi tulemus laiendab teadmist modaalsuste käitumisest suhtluses. Töö näitab kehastunud modaalsuste olulist seotust intersubjektiivsuse ja kehastunud simulatsiooni mehhanismiga sõjaväelistes õppesituatsioonides. *** Multimodal communication and understanding of the behavior of others among military leaders This article analyses multimodal communication in the context of the defence forces. The research focuses on the specific nature of interactions in the military that require the practice of routine activities to be applied in unexpected situations. This unique context affects aspects of interactive communication. The data were collected as part of a research project on multimodal communication among military leaders. The relationship between the research question and more recent theoretical approaches to intersubjectivity is related to the results of brain research that gives insights into the mechanisms of imitation and simulation. They form the basis for brain-body system models in interaction with the world. Underlying embodied simulation is discussed in regard to the concept of intersubjectivity as a shared meaning space (Gallese 2003). The ability to model interactions between the environment and the organism within it allows our brains to model the behaviour of others in much the same way as it models our own behaviour. Imitation and simulation abilities help to understand and predict the behaviour of others. This knowledge is already being applied to improve team effectiveness through shared mental models in 21st century military operations. The results of qualitative analysis extend our understanding of referencing and the behaviour of modalities in communication. The paper provides insights how one modality could refer to another one. The interactive nature of the military revealed the use of artifacts that the civilian world does not consider to be commonplace. In military situations, it is of utmost importance to interpret the behaviour of others in the most correct way in terms of meaning. The use of simulation routines in learning situations is one means to achieve that. Activity tracking is expected to trigger automatic simulation of action, and, in real-world situations, registered routines will enable military leaders to behave appropriately and make the right decisions in a swift manner.

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