
The Mystical Marriage of Jesus and St. Sister Faustina as a Paradigm for Building Love and Marital Bond based on the Analysis of The Diary of Sister Faustina. Looking at the title of the article, a reader may wonder whether two different realities, namely a mystical betrothal and marriage relations, have something in common and whether such distinct realities can be juxtaposed. The answer is affirmative, but with one important exception. The comparison can be made only per analogiam, as not every reality which takes place in a mystical marriage finds its reflection in marriage relationship. The basic reason is the difference of persons. The mystical marriage is a direct encounter of the Divine Person with a human, the Creator with the creation. It exceeds the possibility of description and rendering in a linguistic way. A marriage consists in the encounter of two beings who are equal when it comes to their nature. Thus, in the reflection it is not possible to translate one reality into the other in a simple manner. However, there exist elements which may serve as a paradigm for building a marital bond relying on the mystical marriage of Jesus and St. Sister Faustina. The foundation of it is the thoroughly human feelings of St. Faustina towards Jesus. On several occasions she behaves towards Jesus like a person who is in love. Thus, her entire emotional sphere can be analysed. Moreover, Jesus is God and man and as a man he possessed and expressed his feelings towards Faustina, which is visible when analysing The Diary . St. Faustina was united with Jesus in love. Thus, this relationship might be characterized from a psychological point of view proposed by Bogdan Wojciszke who distinguishes three basic ingredients of love, which are intimacy, passion and commitment. Relying on those elements the analysis of the love relation between Faustina and Christ has been carried out, offering examples of behaviour which strengthened their bond and deepened love. Intimacy is shaped through frequent conversations, sharing inner experiences, creating the sense of security, trust and personal development for the sake of the other person. Passion is deepened through hugging, touch, the feeling of mutuality and exclusiveness, longing and emotional excitation. Commitment denotes maintaining the decision concerning the choice of a spouse, engagement in the relationship, overcoming difficulties and crises together. The article offers concrete suggestions on how spouses can build their love relationship.

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