
Abstract In this study, the deformation-induced misorientations that are typically found in face-centred cubic single crystals deformed in single slip into stage II (and early stage III) of the work-hardening curve are discussed with respect to the experimentally observed broadening of X-ray rocking curves. By making use of well-established empirical relationships between characteristic features of the microstructure and the flow stress, some of the ambiguities of earlier interpretations of rocking curves could be avoided, and relationships between the half-widths of the rocking curves, the density of geometrically necessary dislocations, and the flow stress could be derived for both the tilt misorientations due to the kink bands lying perpendicular to the primary Burgers vector and the twist misorientations originating from the dislocation networks (grids, sheets) lying parallel to the primary glide plane. An evaluation of largely unpublished experimental rocking-curve data obtained on different crystall...

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