
We studied the misorientation angle dependence of the surface morphology in homoepitaxial diamond film grown by the microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method using an extremely low CH 4 concentration gas system (less than 0.15% CH 4/H 2 ratio). We found that, for a misorientation angle ( θ off) of less than 1°, the surfaces of diamond films are atomically flat surface. Their mean roughness (Ra) determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) is less than 0.04 nm. Ra subsequently increases as θ off increases above θ off>1.5°. This tendency is opposite to that of the conventional homoepitaxial growth using a high CH 4/H 2 ratio. We also found that the θ off dependence of Ra of surfaces formed by hydrogen (H 2) plasma etching has the same tendency as that of the CVD growth at the low CH 4/H 2 ratio mentioned above. Specifically, Ra is less than 0.17 nm for θ off<1° and increases as θ off increases. These experimental results suggest that the surface morphology of the homoepitaxial CVD diamond films grown at low CH 4/H 2 ratios is mainly determined by the H 2 plasma etching process that strongly depends on the θ off of the diamond substrate.

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