
The paper deals with the etymological interpretation of Slavonic dialectal words, which earlier did not become visible to other researchers or were not satisfactorily explained in special literature. Observation about the structure of mentioned words has enabled the author to make several conclusions. 1. Some of mentioned Slavic words show archaic features, which reveal Proto-Slavonic age of these lexemes (відь, вíра, вíритися, масéса, чукíрни(й), чумак, чупірдáти, чутíти). 2. Meaning of a few dialectal words keeps relicts of older system of semantic relations, existed in the epoch of Slavic-Iranian language contacts (Transcarp., Boyk. бог, dial. of the Dnieper закон). 3. Ways and prototypes of borrowings from the non-Slavic languages may be and should be clarified by usage new dialectal lexemes in scientific circulation (East Slavic казнá). 4. One of viewed examples shows an interesting peculiarity of Slavic languages lexical-semantic system, to wit, deonymisation of Christians (calendar) names. In so doing semantic range of newly formed apellatives is limited with scope of characteristic of external appearance of a person and its intellectual features (сапетóн).Key words: etymology, word formation, derivative, semantics, Slavic.

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