
With the development of IT convergence technologies, users can now more easily access useful information. These days, diverse and far-reaching information is being rapidly produced and distributed instantly in digitized format. Studies are continuously seeking to develop more efficient methods of delivering information to a greater number of users. Image filtering, which extracts features of interest from images, was developed to address the weakness of collaborative filtering, which is limited to superficial data analysis. However, image filtering has its own weakness of requiring complicated calculations to obtain the similarity between images. In this study, to resolve these problems, we propose associative image filtering based on the mining method utilizing the harmonic mean. Using data mining's Apriori algorithm, this study investigated the association among preferred images from an associative image group and obtained a prediction based on user preference mean. In so doing, we observed a positive relationship between the various image preferences and the various distances between images' color histograms. Preference mean was calculated based on the arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and harmonic mean. We found through performance analysis that the harmonic mean had the highest accuracy. In associative image filtering, we used the harmonic mean in order to anticipate preferences. In testing accuracy with MAE utilizing the proposed method, this study demonstrated an improvement of approximately 12 % on average compared to previous collaborative image filtering.

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