In recent years, due to development of integrated circuits technology, power is being given comparable weight to area and speed considerations. The power consumed for any given function in any complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuit must be reduced for either of the two different reasons. One is to reduce heat dissipation in order to allow a large density of functions to be incorporated on an Integrated Circuit (IC) chip. Any amount of power dissipation is worthwhile as long as it does not degrade overall circuit performance. The other reason is to save energy in battery operated instruments like in electronic watches where average power is in microwatts. Low power is the major issue not only in portable devices but also in non-portable devices. So, it is apparent that one has to resolve low power design methodologies for the design of high throughput, low power digital systems. By using this SVL technique using DRAM we are going to reduce the leakage currents and also improves the performance of the circuit.
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