
We construct realistic supersymmetric theories in which the correct scale for electroweak symmetry breaking is obtained without significant fine-tuning. We consider two classes of models. In one class supersymmetry breaking is transmitted to the supersymmetric standard model sector through Dirac gaugino mass terms generated by a D-term vacuum expectation value of a U ( 1 ) gauge field. In the other class the supersymmetry breaking sector is separated from the supersymmetric standard model sector in an extra dimension, and the transmission of supersymmetry breaking occurs through gauge mediation. In both these theories the Higgs sector contains two Higgs doublets and a singlet, but unlike the case for the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model the singlet field is not responsible for generating the supersymmetric or supersymmetry breaking mass for the Higgs doublets. These masses, as well as the mass for the singlet, are generated through gravitational-strength interactions. The scale at which the squark and slepton masses are generated is of order 1–100 TeV, and the generated masses do not respect the unified mass relations. We find that electroweak symmetry breaking in these theories is caused by an interplay between the top–stop radiative correction and the holomorphic supersymmetry breaking mass for the Higgs doublets and that the fine-tuning can be reduced to the level of 20%. The theories have rich phenomenology, including a variety of possibilities for the lightest supersymmetric particle.

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