
In environmental studies, the mineralogical composition of sediments is an important indicator. In combination with other indicators, they contribute to the understanding of changes in sediment sourcing as well as in weathering and depositional processes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectra contain information on mineralogical composition because each mineral has a unique absorption pattern in the mid-IR range. In this study, total of sixty five sediment samples were collected from different locations of the Kalrayanhills, part of Eastern ghats, South India, lies between the north latitudes 11° 36’ and 12° 01’ N and the east longitudes 78° 29’ and 78° 54’ E. Twenty three minerals are identified using FT-IR analysis. Obtained minerals are confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.The relative distribution of major minerals was determined by calculating extinction co-efficient.

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