
Background & Objectives: The literature on effect of fluoride on dental caries is well discussed in contrast to periodontal tissues. However a recent review has explored an epidemiological association between fluorosis and periodontal disease and also the influence of of periodontal treatment on fluorosed and non fluorosed teeth. There is a scarcity in literature dealing with effect of fluorosis on biological tissues likecementum .During progression of periodontitis, there is a possibility of microhardness , mineral and histologic changes in cementum. Considering the higher incidence of periodontitis in endemic fluorosed area around Davangere, there is an opportunity to study the cemental changes due to fluorosis which would influence the initiation and progression of periodontal disease. Hence the aim was to study the mineral content of fluorosed and nonfluorosedcementum . Materials and Methods: A total of 24 healthy nonfluorosed and fluorosedorthodontically extracted premolars were collected to assess and compare the mineral content of fluorosed versus non fluorosedcementum using energy dispersive spectroscopy ( EDS) . Results and conclusion : The results of the study showed that the percentage of calcium (60.73±2.15) , magnesium (0.47±0.17) and phosphorous (23.95±0.47) was higher in nonfluorosed group than in fluorosed group .The percentage of fluoride (0.11±0.10) ,sodium (0.37±0.09), zinc (2.94±0.91) , potassium (0.40±0.15) , carbonate (10.74 ±2.56) was higher in fluorosed group than in nonfluorosed group .

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