
The mineral composition of four marine fishes: Katsuwonus pelamis, Scomber scombrus, Trachurus trachurus and Genyonemus lineatus obtained from a local market in Lagos, Nigeria and ten freshwater fishes: Heterotis niloticus, Auchenoglanis occidentalis, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, Channa obscura, Lates niloticus, Mormyrus rume, Oreochromis niloticus, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Tilapia zillii and Micraletes acutidens obtained from a reservoir in Ilorin, Nigeria were studied. The mineral content was determined using the Atomic spectrophotometer (model 420). The results showed that the dietary minerals present in both freshwater and marine specimens were: manganese, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Phosphorus content was low in the freshwater fishes. The Fishes studied are good sources of dietary minerals especially iron and copper.

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