
Results are provided for a mineral and technological study of sulfide gold-bearing ore from one of the Far East region deposits. The main useful component in the ore is native gold, more than 60% of which is bonded with sulfides, and this predetermines “ore rustiness” and the search for methods of supplementary action on gold-bearing sulfides. It is established that the action on ore in the grinding stage by complex oxidation may increase useful component extraction to a considerable extent during subsequent enrichment. Results of an experimental study are given for gold-bearing sulfide ore flotation using chemical oxidation in the main stages of gold ore raw material transformation. With oxidizing agent consumption of 100–110 g/ton arsenic extraction into tailings, and this also means pyrite-arsenopyrite selection, is at a maximum in the test range, and gold extraction into concentrate is 72.2%. The effect of oxidizing agent on organic collectors during flotation is studied using spectroscopic methods. Use of oxidizing reagents, in particular potassium permanganate, facilitates selection of sulfides as a result of more rapid arsenopyrite oxidation and makes it possible to improve efficiency of gold extraction into concentrate with a simultaneous reduction in arsenic content.

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