
Advances in information technology have resulted in substantial changes in the way humans interact and communicate, especially within the millennial generation, which is widely identified as a generation that grew up in the digital age. One of the main impacts of the development of information technology is the shift from physical space to cyberspace. Excessive use of information technology can have negative effects, such as reducing face-to-face social interaction and creating feelings of loneliness or alienation. Therefore, it is very important for interior designers to consider the proper integration of information technology features to enhance the user experience in a particular space. This article aims to analyze the influence of feature technology in interior design for millennials, focusing on their behavior and social interactions in public spaces. This analysis is based on literature studies and direct observations of the use of technological features by millennials. The study’s findings reveal that millennials express satisfaction with interior design that incorporates technology, building an emotional bond with space, especially in coffee shops. As a result, the use of technological features in interior design significantly impacts millennial preferences when choosing a space. Therefore, it is important to consider the integration of technological features in interior design as a key factor in creating an attractive space in a coffee shop for millennials. Furthermore, the results of this study can be a reference for future research related to millennial generation’s preferences in choosing spaces that embrace technology in interior design.

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