
The aim of this community service was to introduce new technology of milk fish to improve its economic value. The activity was conducted by extension and demonstrating to the small scale industry (milkfish gel/otak-otak and smoked milkfish) in Sidoarjo Regency. The success of activities was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that the community was interested to try and implement this new technology (smoking cash fish, meat mincer, and grinder machine). However, there were some problems for the small scale industry to apply this method, such as inadequate equipment. Therefore, such technology was only conducted by home industry that still cannot extend its market share, is the only industry who implemented such technology. As the result, selling activities was cannot operates well. The suggestions from this activity was important to make business partnership between government, entrepreneur and the other institution that has related with this activity to increase society incomes. Keywords: economic value, milk fish, smoking cash fish, meat mincer, grinder machine


  • The aim of this community service was to introduce new technology of milk fish to improve its economic value

  • The activity was conducted by extension and demonstrating to the small scale industry in Sidoarjo Regency

  • The results showed that the community was interested to try and implement this new technology

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Luas areal pengusahaan tambak di

Jawa Timur pada tahun 2008 tercatat seluas 56.413,00 ha (luas bersih), bila dibandingkan dengan luas areal pengusahaan tahun 1997 sebesar. Sedangkan untuk total produksinya pada tahun 2008 sebesar. Sejarah pendirian usaha pengasapan ikan bandeng ini berawal ketika pak Achmadi belajar dari seseorang teman yang kemudian diaplikasikannya dirumah. Metode pengasapan pada saat itu cara pengasapan ikan bandeng masih menggunakan rak sederhana yang dibuat dari kayu dan pemasarannya menggunakan kotak kaca kecil dengan menggunakan sepeda angin. Pemasarannya pun masih disekitar kota sidoarjo saja. Namun pada hari-hari tertentu pemasaran dilakukan sampai sekitar perbatasan Surabaya sidoarjo atau sekitar daerah Waru. Berdasarkan luas dari penggunaan wilayah desa dapat diketahui bahwa lebih dari 95% merupakan daerah tambak, yaitu tambak udang dan tambak ikan bandeng. Oleh karena itu bahan baku ikan bandeng melimpah untuk pengolahan produk bandeng

Berdasarkan data statistik dari Dinas
Memperkenalkan Teknologi Pengolahan ikan bandeng berkualitas yang berupa
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