
The paper analyses forms and methods of military and patriotic education of students of secondary schools in the Ural region during the Great Patriotic War. The paper notes that the system of military and patriotic education, which worked effectively during the war years, was based on historical traditions of Russian patriotism, which throughout the centuries-old history of Russia ensured socio-political unity of society in the fight against numerous invaders. The paper shows that the work was aimed at improving military physical training, increasing the level of patriotic consciousness of school youth and attracting them to socially useful work. The paper gives a detailed description of the transformations that have occurred in the military training of schoolchildren, in their agitation and propaganda, labour and socio-patriotic activities. The paper also demonstrates innovative moments in the educational and methodological process caused by the influence of extreme conditions of war. As a result, the paper concludes that the military and patriotic education of the population was the most important core ensuring the military and political, ideological and labour unity of the Soviet society, which managed to defend the sovereignty and independence of its state. The general education school of the Urals has made a significant contribution to the process of attracting school youth to the sphere of socio-political and labour activities aimed at achieving the main goal - saving the Motherland and completely defeating the enemy. The historical experience of military and patriotic work, which ensured public unification during the Great Patriotic War, must be studied in every possible way and used to the maximum in solving modern problems related to the need to destroy the revived Nazism.

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