
PhD and Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Habilitation), Research Professor and Directeur de Recherche Emerite, Member of Academia Europaea, Mikhail A. Vorotyntsev is internationally recognized as a bright researcher and organizer of international meetings and research projects, well known for his enthusiastic, energetic, and independent-minded attitude to science. After graduation from M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, M. A. Vorotyntsev continued research and studies for a PhD degree in the department of mechanics and mathematics (specializing in Chemical Mechanics at the Prof. V. G. Levich chair). He defended his PhD thesis BKinetics of Charge Transfer in Polar Media^ in Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 1971 under the supervision of Prof. R.R. Dogonadze and Dr. A.M. Kuznetsov. Doctor of Sciences degree (Habilitation) was awarded to him in 1987 by Institute of General Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR for his doctoral thesis BTheory of Equilibrium and Kinetic Phenomena at Metal/Electrolyte Solution Interface^. His academic career in Russia included positions of assistant professor in the department of mechanics and mathematics at M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1970–1978) as well as Senior, Leading and then Principal Researcher (1979– 1998) in the theoretical department at the famous A.N. Frumkin Institute of Electrochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In the period of 1992–1995 he carried out research in several institutions outside Russia, including the Fritz-Haber institute at the Max-Planck Institute in Berlin (Germany), Pierre & Marie Curie University (Paris, France) and the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Freiburg (Germany). Then he served as a full professor at the Department of Applied Physics, Fukui University (Japan) in 1995–1997. The next stage of his academic carrier is connected to Bourgogne University (Dijon, France). There he served as an associate professor and research director, affiliated with the CNRS. Since 2011, Prof. Vorotyntsev is a research director emeritus in this university. In parallel, since 2005, he was * Ekaterina V. Zolotukhina zolek.ya@yandex.ru

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