
The aim of the text is to provide a preliminary discussion of the assumptions and anthropological theses in Miguel de Unamuno’s philosophy, mainly because of his best-known book from 1912 Del sentimiento trágico de la vida (Tragic Sense of Life). Unamuno’s extensive deliberations can be considered in many contexts: ontological, epistemological, ethical and axiological. However, anthropological theses seem to be dominant in his thoughts. In Unamuno’s anthropological theses, especially in his affi rmation of human existence, it is easy to see references to religious thought and theology (Catholic and Protestant). Unamuno infl uenced the further development of philosophy and his theses can be considered as a presentation of the main philosophical problems of the 20th century: the identity of the individual, the sense of existence, the individualisation of life goals and choices, freedom as a task facing the individual, the impermanence of norms and the search for lasting values, senses and meanings. It is easy to notice that what makes Unamuno’s theses stand out is the anthropocentrism of his theses, i.e. the belief in the original – in an ontological sense – essence of humanity. Unamuno, in his anthropological theses, captures the essence and existence of humanity, but the starting point is always the concrete, individual human being and its existence. In characterising humans, Unamuno describes the human effort and desire for immortality, adopts the assumptions of historical relativism, referring at the same time to the permanent and unchanging sphere of transcendence. He assumes an inherently diverse human being, which is internally contradictory. This internal contradiction results in different anthropologies, but also in a differentiated identity of the individual. The tragic character of the mundane existence relates to the irremovable aporias of the spiritual and the material in humans, as well as reason and will, aspiration and inability. Faith in God is the decisive element in the tragic existence of humans, which is nevertheless affi rmed by Unamuno. It is this existence in a mundane form that we wish to preserve through immortality and our way towards transcendence.

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