
Abstract We describe the migration pathways of 12 Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus calidus breeding on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia. Overall, we tracked 30 complete (17 autumn and 13 spring) and 5 incomplete seasonal migration routes. Winter ranges extended from the Atlantic coast of southern Portugal in the west to Kish Island in the Arabian Gulf in the east, and from Krasnodar in southern Russia in the north to South Sudan. Eight birds were tracked to their wintering sites, with migration pathways ranging from 3,557 km to 8,114 km, taking 14 to 61 days to complete. Birds spent an average of 190 days in their winter ranges (range 136 to 212 days, N = 14), and departure on spring migration took place in April. The home ranges used by wintering Peregrines were varied including coastal habitats, agricultural landscapes, savannah, desert and an urban city. Departure from breeding areas took place in September with birds returning in May. Peregrines exhibited a high degree of fidelity to their winter ranges, with four birds tracked over three successive migrations until the 2012 breeding season.

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