
Objective. The objective of the article is to analyze and evaluate the volumes, directions, growth reasons of migration flows in the world and determine measures to minimize their negative effect. Methods. In the process of establishing the volumes, directions and growth reasons of migration flows in the world, general scientific methods of scientific knowledge are used. The abstraction method is used to determine the migration-active regions. The grouping method is applied to determine the number of labour emigrants from Eastern European countries in 2010–2019. The comparison method is used for comparing the share of labour migrants in the total structure of the labour forces in the regions of the world in 2013 and 2017. The synthesis method is used to concretize the number of labour migrants in Africa in the context of integration associations in 2017. Methods of induction, concretization and abstraction are applied to determine the causes and directions of labour emigration in the Arab states of the Middle East. Results. The article deals the directions of labour migration in the world. A detailed analysis of the reasons and directions of labour migration flows to the EU countries is carried out. The main directions of labour emigration to the EU countries are determined and include: Europe-Europe (immigration from Eastern Europe to EU countries) and Africa-Europe (immigration from Africa to EU countries). The volume of labour emigration in the direction of Europe- Europe in the context of Eastern Europe donor countries is summarized. The main reasons for labour migration in the African region are formed, concretized and generalized. It is determined that despite the significant volumes of labour emigration to the EU countries, a characteristic feature of the African region is the predominance of intraregional labour migration (80 %). The main reasons for the decrease in the number of official labour migration from African countries to the EU is identified (the stricter requirements «immigration legislation» EU; the EU migra- tion crisis in 2015, the desire to avoid additional tax payments and preserve the possibility of receiving financial assistance). The main reasons and directions of the labour migration growth in the Asian region are summarized. It is determined that the largest number of labour migrants in the Asian region migrates both within the region (more migrants in countries with a higher income level) and to the Arab states of the Middle East. The states of the Middle East, which were the largest recipients in 2018, are identified.

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