
The migration of workers across international boundaries has a major impact worldwide. This topical study provides an analysis of labour migration spanning the globe. The author brings labour migration - its volume, characteristic effects, the reactions it provokes and the policiies it requires. He addresses such hotly debated questions as defining national borders, assimilation versus cultural autonomy and exclusion of migrants. The book is organized into two parts. The first part paints the picture, starting with the slave trade and indentured labour, and then examines why people move today, as well as the costs and benefits of migration. Topics such as naturalization, the role of religion, attracting entrepreneurs into a country and illegal migration are explored. Part two examines the recent experience of some 20 countries and several regions of the world - North Caribbean, sub-Saharan Africa, the Gulf States and Asia. The text is illustrated with numerous charts and statistical tables, including a comprehensive global economic migration table.

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