
Dunlin migration in northeast Italy is described. An attempt to identify the main routes and staging areas used by birds wintering in the central Mediterranean is presented. The results of monthly counts from 1990–1995 revealed that the bulk of the population occupied the wintering area in October and left for the breeding grounds in April and May. The analysis of 342 Italian recoveries of foreign ringed birds showed that 65% were ringed during post-breeding migration through the Baltic Sea, whereas just a few birds had been ringed in western Europe. First-year birds arrived in autumn with a single migratory wave, peaking in October. Two categories of adults were identified during post-breeding migration: birds which directly reached Italian wintering sites and birds which arrived after they had suspended their migration for moulting: the Azov/Black Sea wetlands are suggested as possible moulting areas. Out of 2444 adults and 1627 first-years ringed between 1989 and 1996 at our study area, we obtained a total of 42 recoveries abroad and evidence of direct links between Azov/Black Sea and N Adriatic wetlands, both during autumn and spring migrations. Primary moult was observed only in adults arriving early, the second migratory wave being composed of moulted birds. Locally moulting adults adopted a moult strategy characterized by high raggedness scores, typical of resident moulters. Body mass was not affected by primary moult stage or intensity, winter mass values being reached two weeks after the average date of primary moult completion.

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