
Cutaneous cysts with trematodes of Collyriclum faba have been found in birds during their spring and post-breeding migrations in the Czech Republic. During spring migrations, C. faba was found in one dunnock Prunella modularis, two European robins Erithacus rubecula, three common nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos, one song thrush Turdus philomelos and one great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus. During post-breeding migration, the same parasite was found in one garden warbler Sylvia borin, one whitehroat S. communis, three goldcrests Regulus regulus and one Eurasian treecreeper Certhia familiaris. The newly identified hosts of C. faba are dunnock, common nightingale, song thrush, great reed warbler and Eurasian treecreeper. Geographical areas of the birds' infection were identified from an analysis of reports on ringed birds of the same species, the time necessary for the development of cutaneous cysts with C. faba and the time of their survival, and hitherto known geographical areas of endemic occurrence of C. faba. It is presumed that birds trapped during spring migrations were infected in some montane and submontane regions in south-western Europe (the Alps, the Apennines). Birds infected during autumn migration or post-breeding vagrancy could have been infected in the Central European Carpathians, the region of C. faba endemic occurrence. For migrating birds, the impact of C. faba infections has not been hitherto assessed.

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