
Two are the reasons that encouraged us to proceed to publishing the Migajas Sentenciosas, included in manuscript no.289 at the Menéndez Pelayo Library in Santander (Spain): first, the manuscript had never been completely published and, second, the research performed has allowed us to reveal the real authors and sources used for its creation. The doctrinal content of the manuscript gathers three different mentalities that have been present in the Spanish thinking, which are somehow reflected in these Sentencias. Erasmism, which trascends its religious character to be projected onto culture, politics and philosophy. Tacitism, which in Spain will particularly serve as a support for the Counter-Reforming Theory of the State. Neostoicism, which based on Stoicism, has the adaptation of Stoic doctrines to the Christian conception as its background. The Sentencias comprise political, philosophical and theological aspects. In the present text, we have searched for the sources where the Sentencias were selected from. Following such references, the preciseness of the text in the manuscript has been increased, in some cases, its order has been amended to facilitate its understanding.

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