
Religious moderation is actually an effort to restore understanding and application of religious teachings that are sincere, friendly, and oriented towards improving the quality of life and humanity. The realization of religious moderation is expected to further strengthen the role of religion as the spirit of civilization. Pesantren as one of the oldest religious educational institutions in Indonesia, from the beginning has played a role in creating Indonesian Islamic civilization with its characteristics that are open, tolerant, and humanist. Thus, pesantren is an Islamic educational institution that has long played a role in mainstreaming moderation in Indonesia. In line with that, this study seeks to dig deeper into the mode of religious moderation that is maintained in the pesantren environment based on the perceptions and roles of the main elements of the pesantren, such as kyai, teachers, and santri. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting a literature study and documentation of partners which can be used as a valid data source. Theoretically, the mode of religious moderation in pesantren can be seen from theological aspects, sharia, state politics, and relations with others. The results show that the manifestation of religious moderation in the theological aspect which is manifested by the aqidah ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah (aswaja), is related to the problem of human and God relations, the limitations of Mu'min Kafir, and the position of reason and revelation. In the Sharia aspect, religious moderation appears in the acceptance of mu'tabarah schools of jurisprudence, although there are still Shafii schools and reject mixing (talfiiq). In the aspect of state politics, religious moderation of kyai, ustaz, and santri can be seen in their acceptance of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and Pancasila as the basis of the state, and in them against the politicization of religion. As for the relationship with the moderating attitude of pesantren exponents from their acceptance of the concept seen as different attitudes and readiness to blend in without having to negate each other and lose their identity.


  • Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali lebih dalam mengenai corak moderasi beragama yang terpelihara di lingkungan pesantren berdasarkan persepsi dan peran dari elemenelemen utama pesantren, seperti kyai, guru, dan santri

  • This study aims to develop into the mode of religious moderation that is maintained in the pesantren environment based on the perceptions and roles of the main elements of the pesantren, such as kyai, teachers, and santri

  • Islam dan Tata Negara Ajaran, Sejarah, dan Pemikiran

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Hasil dan Pembahasan Corak Moderasi dalam Aspek Teologis

Perdebatan teologis umat Islam dalam masalah teologis dapat dipetakan dalam beberapa masalah: pertama kekuasaan mutlak tuhan dan ikhtiyar manusia, kedua batasan kufur-islam, dan ketiga kedudukan akal dan wahyu. Kelompok ini berkeyakinan bahwa takdir adalah independensi seorang manusia atas perbuatannya (amalnya) dalam irādah (keinginan) dan qudrah (kekuasaan), dimana tidak ada kehendak dan kekuasaan Allah Ta’ala sedikit pun yang dapat mempengaruhinya. Kelompok ini mengatakan bahwa manusia mempunyai pilihan dan kehendak,berbuat sesuai pilihannya, akan tetapi tidak keluar dari takdir Allah, maka perbuatan mereka adalah ciptaan Allah, namun perbuatan itu adalah ada yang telah diusahakan oleh manusia itu sendiri. Hal ini relevan dengan paham Asy’ariyah yang dianggap sebagai representasi Islam moderat bahwa manusia tidak menciptakan perbuatan-perbuatannya, namun perbuatan itu adalah sesuatu yang terjadi atas kudrat. Berdasar pendapat kedua informan mengenai kekuasaan mutlak Allah dan kuasa manusia, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Allah telah menetapkan ketentuan tentang semua ciptaan-Nya, manusia tidak diperkenankan langsung pasrah tanpa terlebih dahulu melakukan ikhtiar (usaha untuk memilih). Hasil apapun yang akan diperolehnya, akan tetapi semuanya berada dalam koridor probabilitas takdir Tuhan

Batasan Kafir dengan Muslim
Corak Moderasi dalam Aspek Politik Kenegaraaan
Daftar Pustaka
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