
Revolutions in the Arab world sparked strong worldwide interest, mainly due to the ease with which long-reigning dictators were renouncing their power (except Syria). However, the shift of power has not made those who led to the overthrow of the tyrants any better off. As the price of freedom seems incalculable, it is difficult to assess unequivocally all the costs of the so-called Arab revolutions: the number of people killed and displaced, changes to the sizes of economies and standards of living, the impact on the immediate neighbors and on the situation in the region. Approximately 50,000 people died in total in the four most violent uprisings in Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria (where the uprising continues). In the 2012 edition of the annual Failed States Index issued by Foreign Policy, it was Libya and Syria where the most notable drops were observed (ranking 50th and 23rd respectively) with Yemen „moving up the scale” and being rated 8th in the world. One of the main issues touched upon in the Failed States Index 2012 was the Arab Spring in particular, but the picture painted by its authors turned out to be quite pessimistic and its title: Was the Arab Spring Worth It? does not leave much room for misinterpretation.


  • Nale¿y jednak zauwa¿yæ, ¿e wydarzenia 2011 r. sta3y siê doskona31 okazj1 dla pañstw GCC do zmiany wizerunku konserwatywnych re¿imów, chocia¿ nie wszystkie pañstwa wykorzysta3y to w taki sposób jak Katar

  • One of the main issues touched upon in the Failed States Index 2012 was the Arab Spring in particular, but the picture painted by its authors turned out to be quite pessimistic and its title: Was the Arab Spring Worth It? does not leave much room for misinterpretation

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Miêdzynarodowe implikacje Arabskiej Wiosny

Streszczenie: Rewolucje w œwiecie arabskim wzbudza3y ogromne zainteresowanie na ca3ym œwiecie, g3ównie z powodu 3atwoœci, z jak panuj1cy od lat dyktatorzy oddawali w3adzê (za wyj1tkiem Syrii). Jednym z g3ównych tematów Failed States Index 2012 by3a w3aœnie Arabska Wiosna, jednak obraz jaki przedstawiaj autorzy jest pesymistyczny, a tytu Was the Arab Spring Worth It?, mówi sam za siebie. Rewolucje w œwiecie arabskim wzbudza3y ogromne zainteresowanie na ca3ym œwiecie, g3ównie z powodu 3atwoœci, z jak panuj1cy od lat dyktatorzy oddawali w3adzê (za wyj1tkiem Syrii). Jednym z g3ównych tematów Failed States Index 2012 by3a w3aœnie Arabska Wiosna, jednak obraz jaki przedstawiaj autorzy jest pesymistyczny, a tytu Was the Arab Spring Worth It?, mówi sam za siebie (Ibish, 2012). Jemen ród3o: World Economic Outlook Database, 16 July 2012, http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2012/ 01/weodata/index.aspx (24.08.2012)

Odbiór rewolucji na œwiecie
Œwiat arabski wobec zmian
International implications of Arab Spring
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