The benthic foraminifera assemblage has been described in the limestones outcropped in Kurtalan and Eruh district of Hoya formation which is one of autochthonous units of Arabian Platform (SE Turkey). From the two measured sections, one of them has rare fossil content due to dolomitization (DH-Dodan section),while the other is fairly remarkable in terms of fossil content (EH-Eruh section). The foraminiferal assemblages are represented by Asterigerina rotula (Kaufmann), Operculina ex. gr. gomezi Colom and Bauza, Victoriella conoidea Rutten, Amphistegina sp., Elphidium sp., Peneroplis sp., Carpenteria sp., Stomatorbina sp., miliolid and rotaliid forms and echinoderms, coral fragments in the Dodan section. The foraminiferal assemblages are represented by Nummulites biedai Schaub, Nummulites maximus d’Archiac, Nummulites perforatus de Montfort, Nummulites postfossulatus Sirel and Deveciler, Nummulites praeaturicus Schaub, Assilina exponens (Sowerby), Sphaerogypsina globulus (Reuss), Asterigerina rotula (Kaufmann), Lockhartia cf. hunti Ovey, Neoratlia sp., Operculina sp., Discocyclina sp., Asterocyclina sp., Lockhartia sp., Lenticulina sp., miliolid-rotaliid forms and echinoderms in the Eruh section. The fossil assemblage described shows that the limestones are of Lutetian-Bartonian and this assemblage indicates a very shallow marine deposition environment. This study provides biostratigraphic and stratigraphic data that help to reassess the Eocene geological evolution of the region. Paleobiogeographically, larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages recorded on carbonate platforms in southeastern Turkey show an affinity to Arabian and Middle Eastern platforms.
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