
The marine Weichselian deposits at Nørre Lyngby are subdivided into four assemblage zones based on the content of benthonic foraminifera.The lowermost zone, the Bulimina marginata-Buccella frigida zone, is correlated with the upper part of the Older Yoldia Clay of Yendsyssel and inferred to be of Middle Weichselian interstadial age.The Elphidium subarcticum zone is correlated with the Lower Saxicava Sand and the Elphidium excavatum zone with the Younger Yoldia Clay of Vendsyssel. The E. subarcticum zone is found to be a sandy facies within the lower part of the E. excavatum zone at Nørre Lyngby. The foraminiferal faunas of these two zones indicate mainly artic climatic conditions. Radiocarbon dates show that the E. subarcticum zone and also a major part of the E. excavatum zone belong to late Middle Weichselian.The uppermost zone, the Elphidium albiumbilicatum zone, is correlated with the Upper Saxicava Sand. The foraminiferal faunas in this zone seem to indicate an amelioration in climate, and the deposit might be present the Late Weichselian Bølling interstadial.


  • HistoricalMarin e d epos its in Vendsysse l co ntainin g arctic fa un as were me ntio ned as earl y as 1828 by Pingel

  • The foraminiferal faunas show that this sand represents the Elphidium albiumbilicatum zone, which was described from the upper part of profile 2

  • Based o n the foraminiferal content and the stratigraphic position in the cliff section and borings, this assemblage zone is inferred to represent the upper part of the Older Yoldia Clay of Vendsyssel, i.e. of Middle We ichseli an interst ad ial age

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Marin e d epos its in Vendsysse l co ntainin g arctic fa un as were me ntio ned as earl y as 1828 by Pingel. H a nse n (1965) to pl ace th e Lower Saxicava Sa nd a nd the Yo un ge r Yoldia Clay of Ve ndsyssel in po lle n zo ne I a (O ld es t Dryas, acco rdin g to Ive rse n 1942), a nd he co nside red th e U ppe r Saxicava Sa nd to be of O ld es t Dry as age. La ter Krog (1968) and Krog & Ta uber ( 1974) co rre lated th e Lowe r Saxicava Sa nd a nd th e Yo un ge r Yoldia Clay chro no logica ll y with Da ni glac ia l tim e a nd po lle n zo ne I a, a nd th ey prese nted radi oca rbo n d ates fro m these de pos its (see a lso Ta ub er 1966 a, 1966 b). Foraminiferal faunas from marine Late-glacia l deposits of different localities in Vendsyssel were earli er described by J0rge nsen (1971) and Kn'udsen (1971) , and Miche lse n (1967) described foraminiferal faunas from correspo ndin g deposits on the island of La:s0 east of Vendsyssel

Material and methods
I 0 0 0 I
N0r re Lyngby: x 135 1976-KLK-36
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