
This paper reports an investigation of the recycled concrete (RC) microstructure using synchrotron microtomography (μCT) at the Advanced Light Source combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis. The study evaluated the influence of 50% of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and its water absorption compensation on the RC microstructure. The following variables were studied: a) the compressive strength of the original concrete used to obtain the RCA (40 and 80MPa) and b) the initial moisture condition of the RCA (Saturated Surface Dry and Oven Dry). The microtomographic images showed the mixtures cast with RCA in the dry condition developed an evident macropore network surrounding the RCA particle that was not observed in the mixtures using RCA in the SSD condition. SEM images confirmed the initial findings from μCT and showed that the thickness of the interfacial transition zone in RC is in the same order of magnitude as the reference concrete.

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