
The calculations of spatial energy distribution of Auger electrons of 125I in iodobenzene and water were based on our practical method to calculate the linear energy transfers (LET values) and ranges of low-energy electrons in different chemical systems presented as a separate contribution (preceding paper, these Proceedings), and on the Auger electron spectrum given by Charlton and Booz (Radiat. Res. 87 (1981) 10). Consequently, we calculated that the maximum radius of a site of 125I decay in iodobenzene and water where the released energy of 19.8 keV per decay is completely absorbed, are respectively 47.5 and 33.7 μm, and the radius of the effective autoirradiation zones in iodobenzene and water were also respectively determined to be about 30 and 12 Å. The agreement between the results obtained in the present work and the experimental and theoretical results earlier reported, clearly confirmed that the spatial energy distribution determined by the use of our calculational method can also be applied to other chemical systems, and reliably used for microscopic calculations and evaluations of the physical, chemical, and biological consequences of Auger electrons of 125I.

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