
This work consists ofi a theoretic and experimental study o£ a possible practical realization oi a micro pro cess or-based control system using a converter-fad hypo-hypersynchronous cascade. drive. Vlrstly, the design o£ a microprocessor-based controller Is carried out considering an approximate mathematical model, linear-type, o& the drive -In question, by using optimal control techniques. Several physical constraints, -buck as -input variables constraints, state variables constraints and processing time. o& microprocessor are taken -into account. The approach followed attorn us to obtain a suboptimal, closed-loop control system. In addition, In order to carry out a more accurate study ofa the overall control system, whose objective Is both the analysis o^ certain phenomena which cannot be per farmed by using an approximate model and the adjustment o^ the ? controller parameters, l& that Is the case, a more accurate mathematical model o^ the drive has been constructed which takes Into account the actual nonllnearlties present and allows us to determine the wave farms o& the all quantities Involved, by digital simulation. The overall control system has been tested by means ofi simulation experiments. The digital simulation results show the validity o^ the approach fallowed.

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