
The microprobe of 27 MeV α particles has been utilized for the study of a possible role of ions in causing hereditary cataracts of mice. The distributions of S to Ca in lenses were determined at a resolution around 50 μm. In order to obtain the elemental concentrations on wet weight basis, thick frozen hydrated specimens were analyzed. The sample preparation method and the experimental setup developed to minimize redistributions of diffusible elements as well as dehydration of specimens are described. The ratio of the X-ray peak intensity to the continuum background intensity was used for quantification. The accuracy of this P/B method used for PIXE analyses of thick soft tissues was examined both by computer calculations and by experiments with biological standards such as Spurr's epoxy resins and NBS SRMs. The elemental distributions in cataractous lenses were obtained for two different types of hereditary cataract: Nakano mice and its congenic strain. The features of distributions and quantitative concentrations of S, Cl, K and Ca were compared.

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