
A multicentred clinical trial was conducted in 12 countries to assess the contraceptive efficacy and side effects of a low-dose levonorgestrel-releasing vaginal ring. Contraceptive efficacy and side effects, expulsions and removals, and the relation between pregnancy rate and admission body weight of the women have been reported previously. The effect of ring use on vaginal bleeding patterns as observed from daily menstrual diaries kept by the women is the object of this paper.A total of 1005 women were fitted with the ring and 702 of them provided a menstrual diary suitable for analysis. The description of the bleeding patterns is made using a 90-day reference period approach and following the guidelines published by WHO. In addition the longest bleeding/spotting episode and longest bleeding/spotting-free interval are calculated over the entire diary length.Half of the ring users have vaginal bleeding patterns similar to normal untreated patterns. A quarter experience irregular bleeding, 10% have prolonged cycles and 10% have shortened cycles. Over one year of continuous use, there appears to be no significant trend in these patterns. Users with the worst bleeding patterns tend to discontinue first during the clinical trial and are influenced by their more recent experience of vaginal bleeding irregularities. Life-table analysis of discontinuation rates gives an underestimation of the true incidence of bleeding irregularities. Some comments are made on the limitations of the methods of analysis of menstrual diaries.

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