
In the last few years there has been a tremendous growth in the use of computer modelling to support managerial planning and decision making. One of the factors which has facilitated this growth has been the availability of the means to build and use models quickly and easily, namely computer bureaux systems and specialized modelling languages. In return, computer modelling has been one of the major growth products in the portfolio of most bureaux. However, unfortunately for the bureaux, technological change is about to reverse this growth. Two factors are leading to this, viz. 1. (1) The cost of using a bureau for business modelling. 2. (2) The development of microcomputers and their associated business applications software. As a result, it is safe to predict that there is going to be a major movement of model users away from the bureaux, to using microcomputers for business modelling. This is not the only application of microcomputers which is going to affect computer bureaux, and they must constitute a major strategic threat.

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