
The purpose of the work was to investigate the effect of storage temperature on the change of microbiological parameters of experimental samples of cheese paste with different contents of flaxseed oil. It was established that storage of cheese paste with different contents of flaxseed oil at a temperature of + 2 ± 0.5 °С for 14 days did not cause a probable increase in lactic acid microorganisms, compared with their initial amount and a control sample – sour milk cheese. The titer of coliform, the content of mold fungi and yeast during 14 days of storage of experimental samples of sucrose paste gradually increased, but did not exceed the maximum permissible values according to National standard of Ukraine. Provision of normative microbiological indicators of quality and safety of cheese paste with different contents of flaxseed oil, during its fourteen-day storage at a temperature of + 2 ą 0,5 °С, is possible under strict hygiene requirements during production. It was found that the temperature of 6 ± 1 °С, to a lesser extent, slows down the microbiological process during storage of experimental samples of cheese paste and dairy cheese compared to a temperature of 2 ± 0.5 °С. During the 14 days storage, the lactic acid process was intensified, resulting in an increase in lactococcal content, approximately 30 times, and amounted to 8.87 lg CFU/g of the product. It was established that after seven days of storage in all experimental samples of whey germ, coliforms was detected in 0.1 g of the product i.e. their titre decreased by one. However, for such a value of the titres of coliforms, the experimental samples of the cheese paste met the requirements of the State Standard of Ukraine. The next seven-day storage of samples of sucrose paste at a temperature of 6 ± 1 °C caused an increase in the number of coliforms and their titre exceeded the normative value of 0.01 g. Fungi and yeast in samples of cheese paste during storage at a temperature of 6 ± 1 °С multiplied, their amount during seven days of storage increased in 3.9–5.4 times. However, due to their insignificant initial content in the freshly prepared product, for seven days storage of the amount of fungi and yeast did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration according to National standard of Ukraine. Consequently, experimental samples of cheese paste can be stored at a temperature of 2 ± 0.5 °C for 14 days without significant changes in microbiological parameters, provided there is a minimum amount of them in a freshly prepared product. At the same time, at a temperature of 6 ± 1 °С storage of samples of cheese paste with flaxseed oil is possible without exceeding the normative values of microbiological indices only for 7 days


  • The purpose of the work was to investigate the effect of storage temperature on the change of microbiological parameters of experimental samples of cheese paste with different contents of flaxseed oil

  • It was established that storage of cheese paste with different contents of flaxseed oil at a temperature of + 2 ± 0.5 °С for 14 days did not cause a probable increase in lactic acid microorganisms, compared with their initial amount and a control sample – sour milk cheese

  • The titer of coliform, the content of mold fungi and yeast during 14 days of storage of experimental samples of sucrose paste gradually increased, but did not exceed the maximum permissible values according to National standard of Ukraine

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Article info

A.T., Pokotylo, A.S., & Kukhtyn, М.D. (2019). Microbiological parameters of cheese paste with the content of flaxseed oil at different storage temperatures. Забезпечення нормативних мікробіологічних показників якості і безпечності сиркової пасти з різним вмістом лляної олії, в процесі її чотирнадцяти добового зберігання за температури + 2 ± 0,5 °С, можливе при дотримані ретельних санітарногігієнічних вимог під час виробництва. Дослідні зразки сиркової пасти можна зберігати за температури 2 ± 0,5 °С упродовж 14 діб без значних змін мікробіологічних показників за умови наявності мінімальної кількості їх у свіжовиготовленому продукті. У той же час, за температури 6 ± 1 °С зберігання зразків сиркової пасти з лляною олією можливе без перевищення нормативних значень мікробіологічних показників тільки упродовж 7 діб. Метою роботи було дослідити вплив температури зберігання на зміну мікробіологічних показників дослідних зразків сиркової пасти з різним умістом лляної олії. Для досягнення даної мети були поставлені такі завдання: визначити динаміку мікробіологічних показників якості і безпечності сиркової пасти за температури 2 ± 0,5 °С та 6 ± 1 °С упродовж 14 діб зберігання

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