
The article studies the peculiarities of an electronic multilingual terminological dictionary micro level organization. The scientific research defines the concept of “dictionary”, which means a special linguistic genre designed to meet the professional needs of its users, providing relevant linguistic information on the lexical unit required. The emphasis is placed on the importance of electronic multilingual terminological dictionary compilation. The dictionary optimizes terminological systems of various scientific fields and significantly contributes to international scientific cooperation thus facilitating scientific and technological progress in the society. The compositional components of the dictionary, namely its macro- and microstructure are considered. The concept of “dictionary entry” is defined as a source of information that reveals the essential characteristics of a word, its contextual, paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections, stylistic and functional features, as well as derivational potential. The article provides a historical overview of a dictionary entry genesis as well as approaches to language units’ linguistic description. The types of dictionary entries are given, the peculiarities of one-component, two-component and multi-word information dictionary entries are highlighted. Electronic multilingual terminological dictionary entry is determined to belong to multi-word information lexicographic entries. The research presents the requirements for the electronic multilingual terminological dictionary compilation. It analyzes lexicographic, linguo-cognitive and linguistic principles of information organization in the multilingual terminological dictionary entry. The article emphasizes the importance of contradictions of micro-level organization representation. It also highlights the significance of language parameters depending on dictionary pragmatic reason. The pragmatic reason includes the object of lexicography, which determines the content of a dictionary; the volume of lexicography, which presupposes relevant language unit linguistic description, as well as the addressee of the electronic multilingual terminological dictionary, which implies average user characteristics. The article presents the model of the electronic multilingual terminological dictionary micro level organization. Prospects for further scientific research are seen in language data digitization study.

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