
We studied 15 subjects with intermittent claudication, classed as stage II according to Leriche-Fontaine. The patients were subjected to laser Doppler flowmetry, strain gauge plethysmography, Doppler velocimetry, and blood sampling, in basal conditions and after one month of physical training. Symptom-free walking distance at the end of the training period showed a significant increase, while there was no major change in maximal walking distance or the Windsor index. Laser Doppler flowmetry showed no significant change in cutaneous blood flow at rest, after the month of physical training. On the other hand, strain gauge plethysmography showed a significant decrease in rest flow at the end of the training period, while peak flow of postischemic hyperemia did not change appreciably. Biohumoral evaluations showed a significant decrease of white blood cell count, triglycerides and uric acid. Platelet count, prothrombin time, aPTT and plasminogen were unchanged. On the other hand, we recorded a small, but significant, rise of fibrinogen. Our study confirmed the importance of scheduled physical activity in the patient with intermittent claudication, showing that clinical improvement is not accompanied by an increase in the circulatory reserve. The unchanged levels of plasminogen suggest that the fibrinolytic activity does not vary significantly after a course of physical exercise.

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