
List of Contributors. Preface. An introduction to the AIM volume on MSU contributions to research in international business and innovation. By the Red Cedar River: The development of my academic life in the field of international marketing and innovation. A personal reflection on MSU contributions to innovation/new products. Contributions of doctoral training at MSU: reflections and a tribute to Professor Cavusgil. Influences and aspects of the Michigan state doctoral program. Evolution of a research stream: Critical role of professor Cavusgil and Michigan State University. MSU - A cradle of success: My story. From global marketing strategy to global brand management: seeing the world through MSU colored lenses. Beginnings of a fulfilling career. Earning the doctoral degree: an example of relationship marketing. Developing scholars for the innovation age. The effects of MSU on me: A look at the past, present and future. Wine, hybrids and nanotech: Exploring the undesirables. The MSU flavor. The culture that impacts intergenerationally. A short essay on the program and the people who inspired me. From Central Asia to Michigan State University: The Foundations of an Academic Career. Reflections on my educational experience at Michigan State University. On becoming a scholar: The role of mentors and institutions in the emergence of scholarship. Reflections on the Research Path towards the Global company. From global experiences to global brands: A quest to understand what lies behind their universal success. The lifetime journey of international business for scholars and executives/managers: Collaboration with doctoral students. The meaning of a scholar. A world-class academic career: S. Tamer Cavusgil as a scholar, teacher, and mentor in the international business and marketing disciplines. Advances in international marketing. Michigan State University Contributions to International Business and Innovation. Copyright page.

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